Crafting Facebook Posts That Get Your Clients Clicking
Facebook, like most things online, changes all the time. Therefore, you must stay ahead of the crowd when it comes to knowing how to craft a Facebook post that will reach your peeps and get them to click as well as stand the test of time and algorithm changes.
Use Images Properly – Ensure that images are the right size and further the story in the information. On Facebook, if you’re going to use an image as an advertisement they prefer that there is not a lot text on the image so keep that in mind if you plan to use the post for an advertisement later. Don’t forget to fill in the description area of your image instead of just publishing your post. That way when it’s shared the description goes with it.
Share Relevant Content – There is so much going on that it’s hard not to get off topic and share something you just happen to like, or think is funny. But entreprenuers have discovered that this is not a good idea. Stay in your lane and share content that is relevant, accurate, and honest. This will ensure that people who click through once, click through again.
Tailor Your Post to Facebook – Don’t make your Facebook posts look just like your Pinterest or Instagram posts. Create them especially for Facebook based on the content you’re wishing to share with your peeps there. If you’re going to share it more than once, change it up a bit so that it looks slightly different.
Try Using Different Post Lengths – Your peeps will dictate what they prefer so try using different lengths of posts to find out what works. In some cases, people really appreciate a long post and will click through to learn more, but in others, they prefer that you get to the point. You’ll have to test that out.
Share More Than Once – On Facebook, you can share a post more than once and you should especially if it’s important evergreen content and your client list is growing. Just change it up a little so that the post looks different even though when they click through it’s the same content or blog post.
Ask a Question – If you want more engagement, you should ask questions when you post on Facebook. Share a good article about an issue your peeps care about and ask them to come back and comment on what they think about the article on your post.
Make a List – People like bulleted lists even in Facebook posts. A Facebook post can be quite long so breaking up the look of it is a good idea. Learn how to make spaces, and create a list that looks bulleted so that people can scan to read.
Use Video – Video gets more reactions, especially if it’s a video of you talking to your peeps. A great way to get video into your Feed is to conduct a Facebook Live. After you’ve conducted the Live event, it’s there for clients to see until you take it down. Switch out the cover, add some information in the comments and above the video and you’re good to go.
Pull a Quote from the Content You’re Sharing – Make your peeps curious about the content that you’re sharing by pulling various quotes from the content that will peak their interest.
Add Emojis – One thing that really draws the eye to a post these days are Emojis. It lets people know the tone of the written message and gets the attention of scrollers. There are all sorts of emojis that you can use for this purpose.
Tell Your Readers What to Do – Always tell your clients what to do so that more people can see the content. Ask them to like, comment, and/or share so that no one misses out on the wonderful information you’re sharing.
Advertise Instead of Boosting – It’s very tempting to click that little “boost” button but Facebook ad experts are stating not to do it that way but instead go into Ad Manager and create your ad with the post you want to promote.
It may take some experimentation to find out what works best for your peeps but most of the time, regardless of how Facebook changes the algorithm, these tips will ensure that your posts get seen by more of your peeps each time. What’s great is that the more engagement you get on each post, the more likes, the more shares, the more clicks, the more Facebook will view your content as important.
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