Molood Ceccarelli

The one member of the team who determines your business success is you! Yes, you!
Molood Ceccarelli shares why self discipline is so important in creating and building your remote team. As the leader, it is important you know your strengths and weakness and to deliberately set the tone for your business. It is your job to consciously develop your business culture so you foster and maintain a healthy working team. And how do we do this?
Watch my interview with Molood for all the tips and hacks. 

A reminder that this video will be available for 24 hours only so watch it now!

So set yourself up for success and write down one action step you can take to create or grow your remote team that you discovered from today’s interview.

Leave a comment below on your one takeaway from our interview.

Molood Ceccarelli

Molood Ceccarelli is often referred to as the queen of remote work, is the CEO and founder of Remote Forever where she coaches distributed companies to adopt agile ways of working and helps agile companies to embrace remote work.
She has a background in computer security and software development, a passion for agile coaching and human psychology and a love of traveling and working remotely.
She is also the founder and host of the famous Remote Forever Summit, the first online summit about distributed agile that attracts over 3000 attendees from around the world every year.
Molood has been part of the scaling and agile journey of a few geographically distributed organizations across various industries such as Telecom, Gaming, Fin-Tech, Insurance and even BlockChain and AI.
Her newest book on how to be agile remotely, is due to be published in 2020. Some of her writing on the topics of agile have been featured on Scrum Alliance, Happy Melly, Huffington Post and

Running Remote – Empowering the Transition to Distributed Work

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